伊利亚天主教高中很高兴地宣布和承认其2022年大发游戏官方奖得主, 那些大发游戏官方一直是伊利里亚天主教卓越支柱的坚定榜样, 同情, 信仰, 传统, 和社区. 埃利亚天主教社区将在周一的大发游戏官方颁奖典礼上表彰获奖者, 5月23日, 在2022届毕业班庆祝周期间
Dads’ Boosters will receive the 杰出服务奖 for its 75 years of fundraising to support Elyria Catholic athletic facilities and programs. 成立于1947年, the Dads’ Boosters spun off from the local Knights of Columbus chapter with a clearly defined purpose of helping Elyria Catholic athletes. 创始人是老洛恩·艾尔伯特., 弗兰克·弗里茨, 博伊斯Goldcamp, 比尔哈特曼, 约翰·莱登, 约翰Pluta, 西尔维斯特Rothgery, 泰德苏厄德, 迪克·蒂斯代尔. 三四十个人开始为每月的现金抽奖卖票. 每张票的价格是1美元,今天仍然如此.
在超过900幅画之后,“爸爸的助推器”已经获得了超过1美元的奖金.5 million in prizes to lucky winners while becoming the most significant contributor to Elyria Catholic athletic facilities and programs for 75 years. 他们资助了许多著名的体育场、竞技场和运动场的项目. 在过去的三年里, Dads’ Boosters has supported the excavation and recrowning of the baseball outfield and football practice field, 安装一个新的棒球记分板, 并建立一个捐赠基金来维持人造草皮场.
每五年一次, Dads’ Boosters gather in the Elyria Catholic Coliseum for a special anniversary celebration to honor the years of commitment of its many sellers. 通常情况下,卖家在五、六十年后仍然参与其中. Selma Fritz was one of the original sellers and is still selling tickets every month seventy-five years later. 现任董事会成员是丹尼斯•布鲁克, 丹Hornbeek, 哈尔·米尼奇,53岁, 罗恩·齐德克,63年, 罗伯·齐德克,86年, 和Richard Kukucka 1974年. 已故董事会成员包括艾伯特·查恩斯、老洛恩·艾尔伯特., 詹姆斯·法雷尔, 罗恩Gilgenbach, 约翰·莱登, 约翰Pluta, 玛丽·安·里德, 巴里·斯蒂芬森, 理查德·蒂斯代尔.
John Udvardy, 54岁
John Udvardy ’54 is receiving the 杰出大发游戏官方奖 for his significant contributions to art education and sculpture. 约翰曾就读于斯科威根绘画与雕塑学院, 获得克利夫兰艺术学院文学学士学位, 并在耶鲁大学获得文学硕士学位. 他在克利夫兰艺术学院教书, 耶鲁大学, 布朗大学,达特茅斯学院的驻校艺术家. 他是罗德岛设计学院的正教授,教授三维设计, and served as the Chairman of the Foundation Studies Program and Director of the Summer Transfer Program for many years. 任期三年, John served as a juror on the National Screening Committee for the Fulbright Awards at the Institute of International Education in New York. 约翰还在圣达菲的美国印第安人艺术研究所担任客座评论家, 新墨西哥. The Rhode Island School of Design awarded John the Silver Medal 大发游戏官方 Award for 教师 Member of the Year and the Gold Sophia Medallion in recognition of his 34 years of outstanding teaching and service. 他目前是罗德岛设计学院的名誉教授.
乌德瓦迪教授参加过200多场群展和40多场个人展览. 他精心制作的雕塑被私人和公共收藏. 约翰是炮兵营的专家. 他住在罗德岛的布里斯托尔,并在罗德岛的沃伦工作和维持他的工作室.
Charlotte Zultner Wray '83
Charlotte Zultner Wray ’83 is receiving the 杰出大发游戏官方奖 for her significant contributions to patient care and healthcare leadership. 2022年3月,Charlotte Wray, MSN,注册护士,MBA被任命为Mercy Health - St. 俄亥俄州沃伦市的约瑟夫·沃伦医院. Charlotte joined Mercy Health as President of Mercy Health – Allen Hospital in Oberlin in 2018 and served as the Mercy Health – Lorain market COO and Chief Nursing Officer in addition to her role as president. She led strategy development in growth and innovation and operational excellence while building upon the legacy of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary. 她明白提供专家的重要性, 高品质的护理贴近家庭,并保持领先的行业趋势, 技术, 和治疗方法.
夏洛特作为一名重症护理护士在洛兰县社区服务了30多年, 病人的倡导者, 医院管理, 可见的社区领袖. 为那些最脆弱的人辩护一直是她的热情所在. 她于2015年被任命为UH伊利亚医疗中心的总裁, 成为领导该组织的第一位女性和护士.
Charlotte is a two-time recipient of Becker’s Top Women in Hospital and Health System Leaders to Know award, 以及大克利夫兰女青年会杰出职业女性奖, 以及克利夫兰杂志“关怀面孔奖”. 夏洛特是洛雷恩县社区学院基金会董事会的成员, 洛雷恩县劳动力发展机构董事会, 洛雷恩县商会理事会, 及伊利里亚扶轮社. In 2017, Charlotte was the keynote speaker at our Elyria Catholic 大发游戏官方 Professions Night focused on healthcare.
自豪地获得洛雷恩县社区学院的护理副学士学位, she then pursued a baccalaureate degree in nursing from the University of Akron through LCCC’s University Partnership. Charlotte went on to earn a master’s in nursing science and business administration from The University of Phoenix and is currently completing her doctorate of nursing practice from Chamberlain University.
Alan McKinney ’85 is receiving the 杰出大发游戏官方奖 for his many years of service to his country. 艾尔很荣幸在伊利里亚天主教大学大三和大四那年穿上44号球衣, 他认为这代表了伊利里亚天主教社区. 他说:“当44分时,整个欧共体社区都在得分!阿尔在1983年和1984年带领黑豹队连续两次获得三级州锦标赛冠军. He was also a Class AA State Champion in the long jump and the recipient of the Elyria Catholic Lou Rotunda Award for his performance in athletics, 学者, 和活动. Al received the Lorain County Golden Helmet Award and was eventually inducted into the Elyria Sports Hall of Fame and the Lorain County Track and Field Hall of Fame.
阿尔在辛辛那提大学踢足球, 在那里他获得了布里格·欧文斯杰出后卫奖. 他以4040码的成绩在学校历史上排名第五. 阿尔得了B.S. 并与辛辛那提孟加拉虎队签约, 但不久之后,他决定成为美国队的一员,加入了美国陆军. Al completed nine tours of duty and was deployed in both Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 他的访问地点包括韩国、俄克拉荷马州、华盛顿五角大楼和华盛顿特区.C.美国、德国、亚利桑那州、肯塔基州、科罗拉多州、第二次当选的韩国以及华盛顿州. 艾尔在22年的服役中获得了17枚奖章和奖项. 他从军队退休到坦帕地区,在那里他获得了B.A. 凯泽大学心理学博士.